I know i have had a few months to let it all soak in, but it is still hard to believe I have a 3 year old. Liam has been such a blessing to us, and these past three years have been the best years of my life. When we decided to have children, I knew my life was going to change, but I didn't realize to what extent. Liam has taught me so much these past three years, and I am so grateful for each day I get to be his mom. We celebrated this little man with a birthday party at his preschool, a family trip to Monkey Joes, and a Scuba Diver party here at the house for family and friends. He is well loved and worth being celebrated!

Cupcakes with his class. They are all so cute!

Left over cupcakes for breakfast on his actual birthday. He LOVED that!

The swimming pool ball pit was a huge hit!

Food and cupcakes

Scuba diver coloring wall

The kids and adults had fun with this :)


Kisses for Daddy!

Muscle babies

Happy 3rd Birthday Sweet Boy!