Thursday, December 16, 2010

24 weeks!

I made it another month :)! Feeling great, and so far all is looking good with no signs of early labor! I have been on my p17 (progesterone) shots since 18weeks and will continue those up to 36 weeks to hopefully help reduce my chances of pre-term labor. I had a couple more tests done this week and everything is looking good. I will continue my appointments every 2 weeks just to keep a closer eye on things, but so far, so good. This pregnancy seems to be flying by, and I am getting excited about meeting the newest member of our family! I still have TONS to do, as I really haven't even began to prepare for his arrival as far as buying things or getting his room ready, but thankfully Aunt E and Gaga have some time off during the Holidays, so I am hoping to get A LOT done over the next few weeks!
We are still quite anxious about moving Liam to a "big boy" bed. He is such a good sleeper and I am just so scared that the transition isn't going to go well. Keeping fingers crossed, and praying for good results. As far as the room switch-a-roo, we are planning on just keeping Liam's current room pretty much as is for Hudson, and moving him over to my now craft room and making that his "big boy" room. Hopefully he will be excited about it. We are planning on a robot theme since he is for some reason OBSESSED with them at the moment. Hopefully it will last a couple years : ). Here are a few pictures of some of the things for his room.

These are some prints I am ordering off Etsy to frame for his walls. I just love the happy little robots. And these are the sheets I am using along with just a solid colored comforter for his bed. I think it is going to be really cute! I will be posting pictures once we get everything started.


Kim said...

Robots- cute idea! =)

Gran said...

Amie - I still have the pictures Nicolas sent me from your weding. Did you lose those? If so, I will get copies and sent them to you.