Friday, October 9, 2009

Look what I found...

That's right... Liam, standing in his crib! I almost had a heart attack when I opened the door to his room to get him from his nap. There he was, just staring right at me.

He thought my expression was pretty funny.
And, in other news...
The gate went up...
As you can tell, he was not happy about this situation
He called in back-up to try to remedy the situation, but... to no avail


Anonymous said...

What are darling little boy!!! That's such a fun age. Enjoy it while you have it. :) Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest

Beth P. said...

Happy Saturday - I'm here from SITS!

Don't they grow so fast? I will never forget the first time I went to get my son and he was standing there waiting for me. Incredible!

Dakermom said...

How funny! I know you're nervous with the newfound mobility! My son is nine months old now and I'm already waiting for the day when I find him standing up in his crib... aye aye aye. It's going to be a whole new ballgame! Good luck keeping up! Found you via SITS by the way, Cute pics of your little one!!

Kim said...

Sooo funny! =)