Just a glimpse of our week from my

Huddy and his tongue, it cracks me up :)

$30. Yep. Liam will be pretty much set for Fall. One of my sister's clients was getting rid of her children's old clothes, and she told Emily that she could have whatever she could fit in this tub for $30. I got about 15 pairs of pants, 20 or more shirts, shoes, pj's, jackets, and even a few summer things and some stuff for Hudson, too! Happy Mama!

I got to get my toes done this week :). I was having a rough day. You know, one of those days where you question if your child will EVER get through the day without a spanking or timeout. EVER. In their LIFETIME. EVER. Yeah, one of those days. That is right when my sister came to drop off the above tub of clothes for the kiddos. She walked in the door, gave me a hug, and I just burst into tears. She took one look at me and said "Just go, I got the kids" I didn't ask questions. I hopped in the car and ended up at the nail salon. Just what I needed. I have THE BEST sister in the world! And, when I got back, she had canceled her clients for the rest of the day and took Liam to hang out with her. Like I said, I have THE BEST sister in the world!

This is why visiting Daddy at work is so much fun!

Nick had a flat tire this week :(. But, thankfully I have an AWESOME brother, too. He fixed it for free, and Liam got to help Nick put it back on. He thought that was pretty neat.

$1 squirt guns are perfect for 2 year olds!

Went swimming at "E"'s pool

While I was tending to Hudson, Liam decided to fix himself a snack. Yes, that is an entire bag of Cheetos poured into a bowl. And just so you know, I didn't let him eat all of those :)

Liam's choice of clothing at times is amusing.